Monday, December 13, 2010


Η ζωή είναι ένα ευρύ φάσμα συναισθημάτων

China, July 2010

Life is a wide range spectrum of emotions

the most intense ones reside in the visible

I feel red from passion.. blue from sadness.. green from calmness..

there are also the lower frequency ones

that no one can see but still can tell that there is something

there are also the higher frequency ones

which are simmering inside till they explode at any time..

are emotions correlated
with the electromagnetic spectrum?
allegorically at least yes

who is smarter? you or your brain?

If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn’t." Lyall Watson

makes me wonder.. who is smarter? me or my brain?

Απόρριψη - Rejection

και ξανά
και ξανά
μέχρι πότε;
στο μηδέν
ένα βήμα μπρος
ένα πίσω
στο μείον
το μηδέν πια δεν υπάρχει
9 Οκτωβρίου 2010

and again
and again
until when?
to zero
one step forward
one backwards
to minus
zero no longer exists

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Μη μου ζητήσεις - Do not ask me

Μη μου ζητήσεις, να χαθώ στη σιωπή

της σκέψης σου

Μη μου ζητήσεις, να πνιγώ στη λίμνη

των δακρύων σου

Ξέρω πως θα πεθάνω τη στιγμή που

θα με ξεγράψεις από τη ζωή σου..

Μη μου ζητήσεις, τη νύχτα αυτή

να έρθω στα όνειρά σου

και ποτέ, μη μου ζητήσεις,

να σου χαρίσω τα δικά μου

Ξέρω πως δε θα αντέξω

τόση ευτυχία..

18 Απριλίου 1997

Do not ask me, to get lost in the silence

of your thought

Do not ask me, to drown myself in the lake

of your tears

I know that I will die the moment

you will write me off your life..

Do not ask me, this night

to come in your dreams

and never ask me

to give you mine

I know that I will not bear

so much happiness..

April, 18 1997

Sunday, June 27, 2010

'Ετσι, δεν, είναι η ζωή.. Ce n'est pas la vie

Να φύγεις ή να μείνεις;
Να πράξεις ή να αδιαφορήσεις;
Να κλάψεις ή να γελάσεις;
Έτσι δεν είναι η ζωή. Είναι όπως εσύ θέλεις.
'Ανθρωποι περαστικοί.
Σημεία τομής δύο ή περισσότερων τροχιών.
Ίσως από το επόμενο ξεκινήσει μια κοινή τροχιά,
όταν αυθόρμητα τα θέλω συμπίψουν.
Ίσως και όχι.
Εγώ πάντως πάντα επιλέγω να γελάω.

"To leave or to stay?
To act or to ignore?
To cry or to laugh?
That's, not, life. It is as you want.
People passing.
Intersections of two or more trajectories.
Maybe from the next one a common trajectory begins,
when spontaneously wants coincide.
Maybe not.
In any case I always choose to laugh."
27 June 2010. Canada-Ottawa.
End of summer school in Canada, waiting for the bus towards the airport to go back home to bcn

Sunday, May 16, 2010

κάπου ανάμεσα στα σύννεφα..

Και τα σπίτια κ’ ολόκληρες οι πόλεις
σα χάντρες χρυσοκεντημένες σε χιλιομπαλωμένη κουρελού
Και το φεγγάρι σαν άγρυπνος φρουρός
στέκεται ψηλά και τα χαζεύει
Και εγώ σαν παιδί, με τα μάτια και την καρδιά ορθάνοιχτα
κάπου ανάμεσα στα σύννεφα, πλημμυρίζω με δέος
και δακρύζω μπροστά στο μεγαλείο της φύσης
και του ανθρώπου
Sunday, 30 August 2009 (flying from Munich to Barcelona)

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neurophilosophy and neurobiology are only few of the many branches of the multi-disciplinary science called Neuroscience. Scientists from different disciplines like psychology, philosophy, medicine, biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics have a common goal: understand the brain/mind and the nervous system. There are two categories: the experimentalists and the theoreticians. Nowadays, the majority of the theoreticians belong to the Computational Neuroscience branch. We present one research paradigm of this field: Perceptual Bistability, a visual phenomenon that appears when an unchanged stimulus supports two distinct interpretations and perception alternates between them. It is related to decision-making tasks and can be studied within this framework. Our theoretical/computational investigation is driven by the examination of and comparison with all types of experimental data, using numerical and analytical tools, models based on known neuronal properties. Our goal is to find the underlying mechanisms of such decision-making tasks and characterise the way to make rapid decisions leading into successful actions.
poster for ESOF 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010